The Indian Railways has once more come underneath scrutiny for its hygiene and meals high quality. In a surprising incident, a passenger travelling from Rani Kamlapati to Jabalpur Junction on the Rewa Vande Bharat Categorical discovered a lifeless cockroach in his meal. Being attentive to the incident, IRCTC responded to the viral submit on social media platform X.
The passenger Shubhendu Keshari took to X and posted photos of the non-vegetarian thali he obtained on the prepare. Within the photos one can clearly see a cockroach within the meal.
“I used to be travelling on 1/02/2024 prepare no. 20173 RKMP to JBP (Vande Bharat Exp) I used to be traumatized by seeing lifeless COCKROACH within the meals packet given by them. @narendramodi @AshwiniVaishnaw @drmjabalpur @wc_railway @Central_Railway @RailMinIndia @IRCTCofficial @fssaiindia @MOFPI_GOI,” the submit learn.
Alongside the meal pictures, Keshari even shared an image of the criticism type he stuffed out at Jabalpur station disclosing the unhygienic situation of the meals served on prepare.
IRCTC responded to the incident and issued an apology to the passenger for the distressing expertise. The caption learn, “Sir, our honest apology for the expertise you had. The matter is seen critically, and the hefty penalty has been imposed on the involved service supplier. Furthermore, monitoring has been strengthened on the supply.”
This isn’t the primary time that considerations are raised relating to IRCTC meals high quality. Final yr in July, a passenger encountered an analogous incident. He had shared the image of his meal that confirmed a cockroach within the roti served on the Vande Bharat Categorical prepare from Bhopal to Gwalior.
Additionally learn: Indian Railways to run 200 Aastha Particular trains after Ayodhya Ram Mandir pran pratishtha; test routes, different particulars right here
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